Another big year has come and gone here at CBRC.
And, today being Christmas, we wanted to take the opportunity to pause and thank you, our CBRC family, for such a great year.
Thank you to the staff for always putting on a smile. For sometimes working long hours without complaint. For meeting our members’ needs. And for not settling for less than excellence.
Thank you to our members. Thank you, first and foremost, for your incredible patience with the locker room renovation project. It was a long, nine-month journey. But we got through it. We are eternally grateful for your patience and understanding, even though it was quite trying at times.
Thank you for giving us another year of opportunity to serve you in so many different capacities. As a social outlet; a place for family to be active together; a place to destress and relax; and as a place to get your body in top condition and improve your health.
Apart from the locker room project, we added another $300,000 of capital improvements this year. In no particular order:
- Treadmill replacement
- 3 new ellipticals
- 2 recumbent bikes
- My Zone
- Replastering the indoor swimming pool and both spas
- Buti Yoga
This is just a partial list.
We look forward to a wonderful New Year, and continued improvements.
With the continued efforts of the best gym staff in the Tri Cities, and the continued loyalty of the best members anywhere, next year can be the best year yet for our huge CBRC family.
Merry Christmas, and have a happy New Year,
Columbia Basin Racquet Club