Whether you’re new to Columbia Basin Racquet Club or have been a member for years, you can get direction by taking the Starting Point Assessment.
This complimentary evaluation gives you the chance to discuss your goals with a personal trainer and complete an initial workout that will inform a recommended path forward. The workout is tailored to the individual member, depending on their goals and needs.
You can also complete a specific Functional Movement Screening (FMS). This is required before starting Alloy Group Training and is designed to evaluate mobility and strength. The trainer will evaluate how well you are able to do an overhead squat, lunge, and single-leg reach. They’ll also measure your shoulder mobility, balance, and core strength through various stretches and how long you can hold a plank.
The Starting Point Assessment/FMS is a crucial step before starting any workout regimen you may be pursuing. Assessing your current movement and mobility allows CBRC’s trainers to place you in a program that will give you the best results. If you identify a specific area you’d like to improve, you also have the option of scheduling one or more personal training sessions to teach you the correct form and give you direction.
You can request to re-take assessment as your goals change or as you recover from injury. It’s also a good idea to do it again if you’re meeting your goals and want guidance on how to adjust your workout.
The assessment is available to members who are 14 and older. Plan on spending approximately 45 to 60 minutes to complete the assessment and you should wear clothes you’re comfortable working out in. Simply schedule an appointment at the Front Desk or by calling (509) 943-8416.