Experts now say that any physical activity counts towards better health – even just a few minutes! Having prediabetes means your blood glucose level (blood sugar level) is higher than normal but
isn’t high enough to be called type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes is the step before developing type 2 diabetes. Being active and shedding a few pounds are proven strategies that can actually prevent or
delay it.
Increase heart rate and breathing to build stamina. Build up to 150 minutes/week. Remember some activity is better than none.
What? Any rhythmic, continuous activity.
How Often? 3-7 days a week
How Hard? Fairly light to somewhat hard.
How Much? Start with a few minutes. Gradually build up to 30-6o total minutes over the day.
Aerobic Activity Cautions: Remember: Fit in 5 or 10 minutes here and there. To stay safe and injury free, start with light to medium effort.
Strength training makes you stronger and plays a role in preventing type 2 diabetes. More muscle tissue makes your body more sensitive to insulin – a good thing! Plus, strength training can make fun activities or chores like lifting laundry baskets or yardwork easier and safer.
What? Hand weights, resistance bands, weight machines, or bodyweight.
How Often? 2-3 days a week
How Hard? Start with light effort then build to medium to hard effort.
How Much? 10-15 reps to start (for each major muscle group). Build to 8-12 reps and repeat 2-4 times through.
Remember: If you need it, get help from our exercise professionals. They can teach you the right way to do exercises and how to breathe properly.
Flexibility: Gently stretch your muscles 2-7 days/week to the point of feeling tightness. Hold for 10-30 seconds.
Take More Steps: Simply take more steps! Use a smartphone or activity tracker to measure. Slowly build up to 9,000 steps.
Be Food Smart: Choose foods lower in calories, fat and added sugar to help you lose weight
Interval training can be effective for those with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. For example, after warming up, walk 1 block really fast and then 2 blocks at your normal speed. Or ride the exercise bike hard for 1 minute followed by 1 minute at a recovery pace. Repeat 4 times. Build up to 10 repeats.
Our Exercise Professionals believe that exercise is medicine and are eager to assist those with prediabetes. To get started today call (509) 943-8416 or email [email protected].
American College of Sports Medicine, Exercise is Medicine accessed December 2020, <>